Postage France 3,00F “Airbus A300 (1973)", 0,89€ "Council of Europe"
Postmark Strasbourg "Council of Europe" 01.10.2019
+ stamp "Philatelic Exhibition 50 years 1st flight Concorde 001 at MACH 1" on verso
+ transit stamp "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport 07.10.2019"
+ AF 520 flight identification stamp and Abidjan (Ivory Coast) arrival stamp on the back
AF 520 Crew signed : (CDB) : Sébastien AMOUROUX, (OPL) Christophe CAMBESSEDES, (CCP) Nathalie KOEHLER, (CC) Alexandre
PAGEON, Hervé MICHONNEAU, (HST) Caroline MATTUIZZI, Isabelle GAILLARD, Florence MAROT, Christophe
MOUGINOT, Céline FOULQUES, Nessima DEMAT, Sonia DIB, Elise COLINET, Isabelle FERRE, (Pilote Instructeur
Airbus) Xavier DUREPAIRE
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