N°PRES12-7C : Private booklet Stamp Display Units France "22.04.2012 : Results of the First Round of the 2012 Presidential Election in France - 10 candidates"
Franked 2 values Permanent validity stamps "Marianne" (1 value Priority Letter 20g + 1 value Europe 20g)
on sheetlet of 12 perforated labels "Presidential Election 2012 -First Round , 22th April 2012" representing 10 candidates :
Mrs Eva JOLY - Mrs Marine LE PEN - Mr Nicolas SARKOZY - Mr Jean-Luc MELENCHON - Mr Philippe POUTOU - Mrs Nathalie ARTHAUD - Mr Jacques CHEMINADE - Mr François BAYROU - Mr Nicolas DUPONT-AIGNAN - Mr François HOLLANDE
Postmarked with illustrated cachet "Paris, Musée du Louvre" dated April 22th, 2012.
Limited edition 400 copies
Data sheet
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