DDR282-283 : 1956 - 2 val. DDR '20Pf Hôtel de Ville Berlin surchargées +10Pf Aide Hongrie'
  • DDR282-283 : 1956 - 2 val. DDR '20Pf Hôtel de Ville Berlin surchargées +10Pf Aide Hongrie'

DDR282-283 : 1956 - 2 val. DDR '20Pf Town hall Berlin overturned +10Pf Help Hungary'


N°DDR282-283 : 2 values 20Pf DDR "Town hall of Berlin" OVERTURNED
+10Pf "Help to socialist Hungary/ Help to Egypt
" in NEW **

100% secure payments
44 Items

Data sheet


Specific References

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