- Flags of the Allied Nations: Free France, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Coat of Arms of Normandy.
- Landing beaches in Normandy: Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, Gold Beach, Juno Beach, Sword Beach.
- Insignia of the Armed Forces of the Landings: 29th US Infantry Division, 1st US Infantry Division, 82th US Airborne, 4th US Infantry Division, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, 50th British Infantry Division, 3rd British Infantry Division, Free France, 1st Battalion of Fusiliers Marins Commando (Captain Kieffer, France), 6th British Airborne Company D (Major Howard).
- "Douglas DC-3" paratrooper transport planes, GI's landing on Omaha Beach.
- Size 13.8 x 20 cm - Design: Studio Graphique Historiaphil© 2024
Collector's Edition - Edition of 500 copies - MINT (MNH)**
Note: this sheetlet is also IMPERFORATED available (reference DEB24FND)
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